Prenatal and Postnatal Massage

Therapeutic bodywork specifically geared toward the reproductive years. Prenatal Massage is Therapeutic Massage, utilizing safe positioning and techniques for both Mom and Baby. Postnatal Massage allows the client to relax while also utilizing techniques to aid in her recovery from pregnancy and childbirth.
Prenatal – 1 Hour Session $85.00 or 90 Min Session $115.00
Therapeutic Bodywork specifically tailored for the Expectant Mother’s needs as her body goes through changes, utilizing side-lying positioning. This massage enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, as well as relieves mental and physical fatigue.
Postnatal – 1 Hour Session $85.00 or 90 Min Session $115.00
Therapeutic bodywork specifically for the postpartum client. This massage aims to help her transition from pregnancy to motherhood. Special positioning may be utilized to insure her comfort. A nurturing touch will be used to help reduce pain and muscle tension, as well as enhance relaxation.